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Enhancing Marketing, Sales, Customer Understanding, and Management with Scientific Precision!



Imagine if you could achieve better success than your current state in marketing, sales, customer understanding, and/or management. And furthermore, with a confidence level exceeding 95%. This accomplishment would alleviate your most significant worries, stressors, and uncertainties.

Visualize the type of professional and social recognition this achievement would bring to you. A persuasive commitment, right?

This revolves around one of the fundamental principles of science: the scientific community, which upholds meticulous principles, embraces a research outcome only when it can be replicated with statistical certainty surpassing 95%. It’s precisely due to the evident, dependable, and motivating outcomes that scientific psychology has consecutively earned a spot on EY’s list of business-revolutionizing megatrends, and notably, it stands as the sole megatrend among them.

Leveraging decades of combined scientific and business expertise, we have meticulously refined a suite of science-based services tailored for individuals like you. These services aid professionals in achieving their objectives more effectively than before. Whatever challenges you face, we possess a solution tailored to your needs. With a confidence level exceeding 95%!

A Scientifically Enhanced Customer Experience


Succeed! So together, let’s build marketing that increases turnover, profitability and its value for your organization, on a strategic and operational level.


Well, of course. Let’s create a sales machine together that strategically and operationally utilizes the latest scientific psychological information in its sales.

In customer understanding?

That’s fine! Let’s either figure it out together, or we’ll figure out for you how your customers behave and how to optimize customer loyalty.

In management?

Well of course! We first verify how science would solve your challenges, and then we can create, for example, artificial intelligence-based success profiles for your organization.

They too have been successful with our help:

We received easily and inexpensively useful information, after which our sales increased by +50%, and the trend continues.
Harto Kurki
Marketing Director, Veikon Kone
After the cooperation with Steinheide, our sales have increased +60%
Juha Pispa

Free advice and instructions:

Kumpi näistä kuvista saa sinut katsomaan logoa?


Evoluution myötä aivot ovat kehittyneet seuraamaan muiden katseita. Näin ollen vasemmalla oleva malli, joka kiinnittää katseensa sinuun, vangitsee huomiosi arvokkaaksi hetkeksi. Sitä vastoin oikealla oleva malli suuntaa katseensa logoomme, mikä saa silmäsi siirtymään siihen nopeasti. Sen lisäksi, että logomme kiinnittää huomiosi, se mahdollistaa huomattavasti vahvemman muistin säilymisen yli 50 %.

Lataa tästä 10 arvokasta neuvoa ja ohjetta, jotka perustuvat tieteellisiin tutkimuksiin. Jokainen niistä on myös luotettava, ja tilastollinen varmuus on yli 95 %.


Steinheide is developing an artificial intelligence service with partial funding from the European Regional Development Fund.