Chief Marketing Officer and Disappearing Decision-making Power
In the future, a concerning scenario emerges, wherein the marketing department has transformed into a mere hub for advertising and social media expertise. However, are there tangible explanations for the lack of recognition and diminished decision-making authority?
The Role of Marketing and the Marketing Director in Enhancing Company Value
Marketing is accountable for generating value for both customers and the company, thereby establishing a foundation for sales. Nevertheless, marketing decision-makers need not be concerned; when executed ac-curately, marketing will undoubtedly influence sales figures positively.
Is responsible business worthwhile?
Is sustainability merely a trend, or does it hold the potential for profitability within the realm of business? If indeed it is profitable, then in what scenarios, under which circumstances, and through what practical strategies can this profitability be realized?
Charting the Course of Advertising
Is advertising truly effective? If so, does it yield a positive or negative return on investment? Does advertising significantly impact a company’s value growth? What crucial factors should advertisement producers and managers consider to optimize ROI?
Which choice would you make?
What actions would you take if you discovered that the success and failure of your communication can be primarily explained by one factor, surpassing all others? This factor, which accounts for up to 53.9% of your communication’s effectiveness (yielding 565% greater impact than the ad itself), is backed by tens of thousands of scientific findings and carries a statistical certainty of over 99%. Would you persist in spending resources as usual, or would you invest in this remarkable 565% more influential factor, gaining the commendations of your managers and colleagues for impressive revenue and profitability growth?
Quo Vadis Advertere?
Onko mainonnalla mitään vaikutusta? Ja jos on, onko sen tuotto/panostussuhde positiivinen vai negatiivinen? Vaikuttaako mainonta yrityksen arvon kasvuun? Mitä mainonnan tuottajan ja ostajan pitäisi huomioida, että ROI saadaan optimoiduksi?